The Safe at Home Society works to end and prevent homelessness in the Yukon, bringing together service agencies, government partners, landlords, community members and people with lived experience of homelessness to connect people with housing and supports.

Discover our Annual Impact Report!
This past year, we've made significant strides towards preventing and ending homelessness in the Yukon. Our downloadable infographic highlights our efforts, achievements, and the positive impact we and our partners have had on the community. Check it out to see how together we're making a difference.
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The Hearth - Permanent Supportive Housing in Whitehorse
The Hearth will offer permanent supportive housing for individuals who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. Transforming a former commercial hotel into 67 self-contained suites, the project will provide affordable, secure, and supportive housing for a mixed demographic of individuals in downtown Whitehorse, Yukon.
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Our Services
At Safe at Home, we are busy taking a multi-pronged approach to ending homelessness. You’ll find our team working with landlords to support housing accessibility and stability, our Coordinated Access Coordinator working with other service providers to ensure the By-Name List is up to date and serving those in need housing, and our Housing Stability, Support and Referral Workers supporting individuals to find or keep their housing. In addition, we collaborate with other housing providers and advocates for housing by working together on our common goal to end homelessness in Yukon.
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Community Connections
Safe at Home Society Yukon believes in the importance of sharing a voice on issues related to homelessness. By participating on various boards and committees, both locally and nationally, we not only stay informed on the latest advances and best practices for ending homelessness in Yukon, but we also provide a voice so our unique Northern context is understood by a larger audience.
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Ending Homelessness
The Safe at Home Society is part of a national campaign to end homelessness called Built for Zero Canada. Utilizing Coordinated Access and a By-Name List, our team collaborates with fellow service providers to ensure we are all working together through a coordinated strategy to end homelessness.
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Email, Phone and Social
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(867) 332-0630
310 Alexander Street, Whitehorse
8:30 am to 4 pm (closed 12–1 pm), Monday to Friday