About Us: Introduction
Safe at Home Society Yukon is the spark for a new chapter for positive change in Whitehorse and beyond.
Our Vision
A compassionate community working together to end and prevent homelessness, where everyone has a safe and affordable place to call home and can readily access the supports they need, when needed.
Our Mission
To end and prevent homelessness through:
A coordinated people-centered continuum of housing.
Intentional and meaningful relationships with service providers and persons affected by homelessness.
Evidence of homelessness built on data and stories.
Supports for individuals and families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.
Our Mandate
We offer a broad range of housing, service and support programs from a low-barrier, stage-appropriate, and harm-reduction orientation. Every program is person-centered and incorporates cultural safety and traditional knowledge, as well as voice, choice, and empowerment for those who access our services.
Who we Serve
We serve all individuals who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. We prioritize individuals with complex challenges and barriers to housing.
Core Values
We will lead with compassion by:
- Wrapping our arms around community.
- Acting in a respectful and caring manner.
- Building trust by making people feel valued, safe and heard.
- Creating & maintaining a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment.
- Protecting people’s privacy and confidentiality.
- Promoting hope & healing.
We will lead with responsiveness by:
- Being reliable and doing what the community wants us to do.
- Working together for solutions with community networks and alliances.
- Hearing and sharing the voices of persons with lived experience and those most affected by homelessness.
- Being nimble and able to hear, respond and pivot.
- Being grounded and courageous to try new things and explore new alliances.
- Not being afraid to fail forward to move outside of status quo.
- Advancing reconciliation & social justice.
We will lead with and model accountability by:
- Having the authority and ability to make accountable change.
- Being transparent in our work, approach, and communication.
- Using evidence based on data and stories to plan, act, measure progress and communicate.
- Holding ourselves accountable to the voices of those most affected by homelessness.
- Maintaining community partnerships & knowledge sharing.
Contact us
Email, Phone and Social
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(867) 332-0630
310 Alexander Street, Whitehorse
8:30 am to 4 pm (closed 12–1 pm), Monday to Friday