Services: Introduction
We’ve grown to offer direct housing accessibility and support services for individuals who need help finding or maintaining housing. We work in collaboration with local landlords and service providers to help individuals navigate and participate in the Coordinated Access System.
Executive Director
Kate Mechan
867-334-9310 / ed@safeathomeyukon.ca
Our Executive Director works with the Board of Directors and staff team to set priorities for Safe at Home, acts as the public face of the organization and keeps us all motivated and enthusiastic about ending homelessness in the Yukon!
Program Supervisor
Zoe Share
867-332-5805 / supervisor@safeathomeyukon.ca
The Program Supervisor supports all staff, develops policy and manages process. She manages the main program, giving detailed attention to program strategy, project delegation, and program implementation.
Office Manager
Andrea Magun
867-332-0630 / admin@safeathomeyukon.ca
The Office Manager is also the office administrative support and will be the first welcoming face you see when you walk into Safe at Home. She will listen to your concerns and then book you an appointment with a frontline worker specific to your needs. She can also provide information on available resources and services, assist with your tax, receive mail on your behalf and so much more. If you have any questions, are seeking answers or just need an open ear, please let her know. Coffee's always on!
Coordinated Access Coordinator
Sarah Kroon
867-332-6201 / cacoordinator@safeathomeyukon.ca
The Coordinated Access Coordinator of CHAT brings together resources and service providers to make sure people on the By-Name List are supported through their housing search and matched with housing and supports that will help them thrive.
Coordinated Access Supervisor
Sophie McPhail
867-332-8284 / HIFIS@safeathomeyukon.ca
The HIFIS Project Manager is responsible for managing and leading the implementation of the HIFIS 4 system in our community. It is designed to enable homeless-serving organizations to confidentially collaborate, share information, and improve service provision overall.
Data Lead
Raha Gharraie
867-332-9510 / data@safeathomeyukon.ca
The Data Lead maintains the By-Name List and facilitates information-sharing and collaboration between partner agencies.
HIFIS Project Manager
Mariebeth Enverga
867-332-1293 / hifis@safeathomeyukon.ca
The HIFIS Project Manager oversees the Homeless Information and Families Information System.
Yukon Housing Support Worker
Shannon Leonard
867-332-6200 / housingsupport@safeathomeyukon.ca
The Yukon Housing Support Worker provides confidential support to tenants in Yukon Housing Corporation (YHC) apartments to help people stay housed. This is part of a pilot project collaboration between Safe at Home and YHC.
Housing Stability Worker
867-332-6941 / housingstability@safeathomeyukon.ca
The Housing Stability Worker works with several clients who are housed to provide support with whatever will make their tenancies more successful: managing conflicts, budgeting, paperwork, eviction prevention, and more.
Housing Outreach Coordinator
Heidi Slat
867-334-2758 / outreach@safeathomeyukon.ca
The Housing Outreach Coordinator supports clients while connecting with other organizations to create stronger support networks. Client support work also involves community outreach through public events, and tenant education.
Eviction Prevention Worker
Caitlin Beaulieu
867-334-7686 / evictionprevention@safeathomeyukon.ca
The Eviction Prevention Worker offers advocacy and support for tenants in an effort to prevent evictions and promote successful tenancies.
Watson Lake Housing Coordinator
Angela Miller
867-332-4238/ WLHousing@safeathomeyukon.ca
In Cooperation with Liard First Nation, SAH will engage with the residents of Watson Lake as well as service providers and partners who want to be part of the homelessness support system. SAH, along with the Community, could develop a plan which could be utilized by other rural communities across the Yukon, to end homelessness. This includes working towards solution focused processes to achieve housing stability and a coordinated access to address homelessness, as defined through the Reaching Home Strategy in Watson Lake.
Afterhours Outreach
867-332-9658 / afterhoursoutreach@safeathomeyukon.ca
Between the hours of 3pm and 11pm Friday to Sunday, two staff members are on-call to provide: emergency/crisis intervention/assistance, referrals to emergency supports, connection to longer-term supports in Whitehorse, and services as needed. Any individual or family experiencing housing-related challenges are welcome to acsess this service by email, calling the above phone number, or by referral.
408 Alexander Street (Supportive Housing Project)
408 Supervisor
Erin McIntyre
867-332-0007 / 408supervisor@safeathomeyukon.ca
Erin is the main contact as Supervisor at the 408 Alexander unit. She sees all day to day operations and is always there to answer any questions.
The Tenant Public Line can be used to call a tenant residing at 408 or leave a message. Tenants can also call out from this public line.
Contact us
Email, Phone and Social
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(867) 332-0630
310 Alexander Street, Whitehorse
8:30 am to 4 pm (closed 12–1 pm), Monday to Friday