Services: The By-Name List
What is the By-Name List?
The By-Name List is a single, shared list of people experiencing homelessness. The By-Name List helps us understand the scope of homelessness in Whitehorse, prioritize resources based on need, and make sure every housing referral is the best fit possible. It is not a wait list but is rather about making a best possible match based on each person’s needs and the available housing units.
Being on the By-Name List can help people connect with housing or supports (such as rent subsidies), but it does not guarantee housing immediately. Because available units fluctuate, we can’t predict how quickly someone might be matched with a place that meets their needs. People should keep looking for housing on their own or with the support of a housing navigator or social worker while they are on the list.
The By-Name List is also a tool for understanding how many people are experiencing homelessness in Whitehorse and what the needs are for housing and services. Being on the By-Name List helps provide accurate information so we can advocate for the resources needed in our community.
How to get on the By-Name List?
To meet with an Intake Worker about being added to the By-Name List or for more information, email info@safeathomeyukon.ca or call 867-334-8987.
The person completing the intake will talk you through the process and get your consent before adding any information to the list. They will ask questions about your current housing situation, what might help you find housing or stay housed, and what kinds of challenges you are dealing with that could impact your housing search. All information is confidential, and you can skip questions you prefer not to answer. Let us know if you would prefer to conduct your intake interview by phone or in a place where you feel comfortable.
Intakes can also be completed by housing workers at Blood Ties Four Directions, Government of Yukon - Community Outreach Services (COS), Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society Yukon (FASSY), Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre, Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition, and the Yukon Women’s Transition Home. Please contact the agency directly for hours and locations.
Contact us
Email, Phone and Social
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(867) 332-0630
310 Alexander Street, Whitehorse
8:30 am to 4 pm (closed 12–1 pm), Monday to Friday