Services: The Hearth
A permanent and deeply affordable housing initiative operated by Safe at Home Society
The Hearth is a new permanent supportive housing project operated by the Safe at Home Society for individuals who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. Transforming a former commercial hotel into 67 self-contained suites, the project will provide affordable, secure, and supportive housing for a mixed demographic of individuals in downtown Whitehorse, Yukon.
Our Vision:
A compassionate community working together to end and prevent homelessness, where everyone has a safe affordable place to call home and the support they need.
Our Mission:
To end and prevent homelessness through:
- A coordinated people-centered continuumof housing.
- Intentional and meaningful relationships with service providers and persons affected by homelessness.
- Evidence of homelessness built on dataand stories.
- Supports for individuals and families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.
The Hearth will offer permanent supportive housing for individuals who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.
67 Self-Contained Suites
Each fully contained suite will come furnished, offer kitchenette, private bathroom, and have access to laundry and common areas to gather.
Peer Programming & Activities
Opportunities for peer-led programming and on-site activities.
24/7 Support
Support staff will be on-site 24/7. Tenants will have access to crisis intervention, guest management, counselling, and safety planning.
Referrals & Connections
On-site staff work with tenants on goals they set for themselves. Development of connections to community resources is encouraged but voluntary.
Operating Principles:
Building CommunityBuilding community is key.
Tenant-led committees, good neighbor initiatives, and community safety planning is key to rewarding relationships.
We support every individual’s right to choose what actions they may take to affect change in their lives. Staff work to support self-determination by approaching relationships from a strengths-based perspective.
Collaborative Partnerships
We believe collaborative relationship-building with tenants and the wider community will help ensure that we are operating from a standard of care that is empowering and respectful.
Supporting Housing Stability
We believe that all individuals with a history of homelessness succeed in their tenancy when they have choice. The Hearth meets people where they’re at.
Cultural Safety & A Gendered Approach
Systemic barriers impact certain populations differently than others. We integrate trauma-informed care into our practice. Culturally safe, appropriate, and relevant education, transparency, and openness to learning are essential.
Flexibility & Responsivity
Support services and programs are flexible and tailored to fit the individuals who live at The Hearth. We believe every resident will feel the highest degree of housing satisfaction when they have agency and voice.
Why Now and Who Is Supportive Housing For?
The most recent Point-in-Time Count in April 2023 found that at least 197 individuals and families are experiencing homelessness in Whitehorse. The majority do not require an intensive level of support, such as what a Housing First model would offer. They may, however, require a higher level of support than a private rental or Yukon Housing would offer.
The Hearth offers permanent supportive housing for individuals who desire a higher degree of independence and autonomy and who would also benefit from a support team and services on-site to ensure housing stability, safety, a sense of belonging, and greater wellbeing.
Supportive Housing
Housing for individuals who:
- Are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.
- Require an affordable self-contained suite and who would benefit from a moderate level of on-site supports.
- May benefit from a housing environment that adheres to a harm reduction philosophy in all aspects of life.
- May require some assistance with housing stability, getting connected with services, or benefit from a supportive congregate setting.
Contact us
Email, Phone and Social
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(867) 332-0630
310 Alexander Street, Whitehorse
8:30 am to 4 pm (closed 12–1 pm), Monday to Friday